15 Delicadas Fotografías Que Muestran El Milagro De Dar A Luz A Un Hijo

Sin temor a equivocarme, puedo decir que el momento más importante e inolvidable en la vida de toda mujer es cuando da a luz a un hijo. Es la culminación de un proceso que se inició hace 9 meses donde se crean enormes expectativas sobre lo que será la vida desde ese momento en adelante, con esta personita que llega a alegrar cada segundo y por quien se siente un amor tan enorme que es imposible describirlo en palabras.

Actualmente, podemos compartir ese bello momento, no solo con quienes presencian el parto, sino con todo el mundo, gracias a los distintos registros gráficos que existen y las redes sociales que nos permiten compartirlos al instante. De esta forma la emoción no se queda solo cuando nacen sino cada vez que revisan las imágenes y recuerdan esa fascinante experiencia.

A continuación te invitamos a ser parte de la gran emoción experimentada por 15 padres al recibir a sus hijos, a través de estas intimas y delicadas fotografías.

This baby was just born into her mother's arms in the water. She is povercome with joy.

This baby was just born into her mother’s arms in the water. She is povercome with joy.

Baby and mother enjoying a fresh floral bath with soothing herbs. You can also see the mother's fresh post partum belly in this picture.

Baby and mother enjoying a fresh floral bath with soothing herbs. You can also see the mother’s fresh post partum belly in this picture.

This father is praying that his baby will arrive safely.

This father is praying that his baby will arrive safely.

Fotos de partos foto 4

This new mother is receiving breastfeeding support from her midwife.

This new mother is receiving breastfeeding support from her midwife.

Fotos de partos foto 6

this baby was born on hands and knees at home

this baby was born on hands and knees at home

close up of an umbilical cord still attached

close up of an umbilical cord still attached

this baby was born by c-section

this baby was born by c-section

This baby was born quickly in a bathtub at home.

This baby was born quickly in a bathtub at home.

Mother meets her baby for the first time.

Mother meets her baby for the first time.

the mother's daughter, age 7, wanted to be a part of the birth so she hopped into the birth pool with her mama!

the mother’s daughter, age 7, wanted to be a part of the birth so she hopped into the birth pool with her mama!

This baby was a twin born at home en caul

This baby was a twin born at home en caul

This baby gives the peace symbol just moments after birth.

This baby gives the peace symbol just moments after birth.

Fotos de partos foto 15Comparte este artículo con tus amigos, son fotografías muy bellas y conmovedoras.